But when out questing or doing dungeons it is completely unnecessary and ruins the immersion of the game. Like I mentioned at the beginning of this, the option to turn off unneeded spell effects from other players can be great in instances, particularly raids. Why? When I cast moonfire, why can’t he see the lunar beam like we have been able to for other players ever since classic… For example Crashing Storm aoe from Enhancement - even when we are just playing just the two of us, Blizzard does not permit me to see the cool spell effects of his class or the sound effects of the thunder. For example, my brother plays a Shaman, a class which has great visual spell effects, yet there are a lot of them that just don’t appear on my screen. However what I’ve found out recently with WoW is that many cool spell effects are hidden to other players - and this really bugs me.

I spend the VAST majority of my time playing with my friends and family and doing dungeons, where graphical problems like this much less of a concern. So ways to reduce graphical intensity are much appreciated when I’m doing big raid content. Just to preface this topic - I play on a computer that struggles to run some raids without putting the settings down to really low.