Rule 7: Official lore and fan fiction/fluff are welcome, but posting screenshots of official Games Workshop and/or Black Library material is not allowed.If you want to talk politics, go to one of the existing 50 million subs where you can already do this. Please also do not post/discuss things that are generally off-topic to 40k lore. Please do not post/discuss rules or tactics of the tabletop, painting, building, or miniatures.

Posts featuring self-promotion will be removed. Please don't use this as a platform to promote your blog, crowdfunding, or anything of the ilk. Hate speech, trolling, and aggressive behavior will not be tolerated, and may result in a ban. Failure to do so may result in investigation by the Inquisition. Set your 40kLore flair via the wondrous Flair Selection Page. A subreddit for the lore and stories encompassing the dark future of the 41st millennium.